States › Tamil Nadu › Museum › Fort Museum
Fort Museum Chennai Tamil Nadu
Residing some of the invincible artwork and memorabilia of the colonial era, the Fort St. George Museum is a revered attraction among the best places to visit in Chennai. Originally erected by the British East India Company in 1644, Fort St. George Museum in Chennai is one of the oldest forts in Tamil Nadu. It was in 1948 when the white structure colonial building of the fort was organized and opened as a museum for the general public. From then, this place has served as an eminent historical place in Chennai, housing an impressive collection of more than 3000 antiquities which are exhibited in ten galleries. The antiquities at Fort Museum are war equipment, statues, medal, and coins that altogether depict the rich history of the fort and the city. Along with that, the museum also exhibits old crockery, paintings, and portraits of various governors and monarchs. While strolling and sightseeing the museum, along with the arms you also get to see the uniforms of the British Army. Furthermore, the museum also has a separate portrait gallery, where a collection of oil paintings and portraits are displayed for tourists. Overall, this place is worth a visit if you’re in Chennai and especially for those who always wander to seek and enhance their historical knowledge.
Saturday to Thursday (Friday is Closed): 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Major Highlights
- Medals
- Coins
- Portraits
- War Equipments
- Painting
- British Army Uniforms