States › Tamil Nadu › Museum › Astrophysical Observatory
Astrophysical Observatory Kodaikanal Tamil Nadu
Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu is a travellers’ treasury, and Astrophysical Observatory is one of its concealed solitaires offering a great learning experience to visitors, especially kids. Reckoned amongst one of the oldest solar observatory in India, Astrophysical Observatory or locally known as the Kodaikanal Observatory is an ideal place in Tamil Nadu to impart yourself with some celestial learning. For that, the observatory has a well-equipped and maintained laboratory which is a place for doing all the researches. Along with that, this must-visit tourist attraction also houses a small but informative astronomy museum for tourists. Pictorial display and models exhibit are the main attractions of this museum and presented along with a Fraunhofer spectrum for tourists to explore. One can also discover a live solar image presented at the museum. When it comes to the pride possession, the observatory houses a library which holds a significant collection of astronomical literature, skeletal current literature, and Solar Terrestrial Physics. For visitors to observe the night sky, there is also a 20cm refractor at the observatory which is used for occultation and cometary observations. Above that, the observatory also has a terrestrial telescope from which, you can catch the splendid views of surroundings including Periyakulam, Varaha River, Sothuparai Dam, and Vaigai Dam.
All Days: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- Refractor
- Pictorial
- Models
- Solar Image
- Terrestrial Telescope
- Fraunhofer Spectrum