How To Reach Ramtek
Ramtek is situated in Nagpur, India. To travel to Ramtek an individual would first have to reach the city of Napur, from where Ramtek can be reached by two modes of transportation which are road and the railway. Booking a cab from Nagpur is also viable especially in summers. But if it’s not summers, the flavour of the place can be fully enjoyed by taking a ride on local transport bus with local music on the tape, the chattering of native on your eardrum and the smell of fresh earth.
By Air
The nearest airport to Ramtek is Sonegaon Airport (at a distance of 49 KM). There are options of cabs, buses and cars from the airport to reach Ramtek.
By Rail:
Three passenger trains leave from Nagpur Junction to Ramtek namely; Nagpur Ramtek Passanger (58810), Itwari Ramtek Passanger (58814) and Itwari Ramtek Passenger (58812) departing from Nagpur Junction at 5:40, 12:00 and 19:10 respectively.
By Road
The travel distance from Nagpur to Ramtek is 42 kilometres which can be covered in 52 mins, if travelling at the speed of 52 hr. /km. The estimated time if travelling by bus may vary according to the condition of the roads, different travel route and the traffic.