Bardan Gompa

  • imageZanskar
  • Ladakh

About Bardan Monastery Ladakh

Bardan Monastery, also known as Bardan Gompa, is a Buddhist monastery dating back to the 17th century. It is located almost 12 kilometers south of Padum in Zanskar, Ladakh, northern India.

According to a legend associated with the Bardan Gompa, the site for the monastery was chosen after a crow picked up the lantern of Lama Barawa and dropped it here.

Bardan Gompa is a monastery built in the shape of a fortress which sits atop a rocky outcrop in the Lugnak Valley. The main prayer hall is home to several ancient murals, statues of Buddhist divinites and small stupas built of bronze, clay, wood and copper. It can be accessed via a triangular courtyard.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How to reach Bardan Gompa?

Bardan Gompa is located just 7 kilometers from Padum, and is accessible via a motorable road on the way to Raru. Padum is the headquarters of the Zanskar Valley and is located about 250 kilometers from Kargil. The route from Kargil to Padum is as follows - Kargil-Sankhoo-Panikhar-Parkachik-Rangdum-Pensi La-Tungri-Padum.

Q. What is the best time to visit the Bardan Gompa?

June to September is the best time to visit Bardan Gompa.

Q. . Is there an entry fee for visiting the Bardan Gompa?

No, you do not have to pay an entry fee for visiting the Bardan Gompa.

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