A medium sized village Chui is located in the Mon Sadar Tehsil of Mon district. As per the 2011 population Census, only 273 families reside in the village and the population is 1588 out of which 776 are males while females are 812 in count – the families are hospitable and peace loving. The village is 8km away from the sub-district headquarter Mon Sadar and is 8km away from the district headquarter as well.
Popular things to do & see in and around
The village has various places around that are perfect tourist attractions and are one of the major parts of Nagaland tourism. Few places which you can visit are Leangnyu ( 7 KM ), Longkai ( 9 KM ), Tanhai ( 10 KM), Hongphoi ( 10 KM ), Shiyong ( 11 KM ). You can plan a visit to the Wakching Tehsil towards west , Chen Tehsil towards South , Phomching Tehsil towards East, Tamlu Tehsil towards North.
Getting There
Public and private buses connect Mon town from nearby cities and towns, you can further take private cabs to reach this village. The roads are smooth enough and the place is well connected with other nearby villages and towns that can be reached via private cars.
Best Time to Visit
Mon Nagaland offers you the best climate throughout the year and hence you can visit Chui Village anytime you want except during the monsoon when the place experiences heavy rainfalls.