National Children's Museum Delhi
Museums are generally believed to be a destination for researchers and adults but we very often forget about a very peculiar audience, the kids. Every kid is enthusiastic about their own personal collection and they always seek new items to add to their collection and National Children's Museum is one such museum for kids which will help them grow their collection and would be a perfect educational experience, mixed with fun and adventure. Located in the central Delhi, ITO, it is a perfect family tour destination. The museum exhibits toys and dolls collected from all over the world. The National Children’s Museum is a perfect place for kids to get acquainted with the cultural traditions and heritage of India. One of the most famous museums in Delhi, it exhibits various artifacts ranging from stone and bronze artifacts, jewelry, cultural artifacts and musical instruments from all over the globe.
The museum possesses various objects of fascination for kids and rooms in the central hall is one of the best learning experience for kids. One of the most exciting kids' museums in Delhi, National Children’s Museum organizes various workshops for kids to get them acquainted with various art forms. The rooms in the hall display various art practices ranging from pottery to music to craftsmanship. National Children’s Museum also puts an exhibition of art created by children from all across the globe. There are permanent and temporary exhibitions inside the Museum.
The Permanent Exhibits consists of
Hamara Bharat - Hamara Bharat is the panoramic depiction of India’s diverse and rich culture, traditions and art forms. The exhibition also consists of India’s historical and modern Scientific advancements.
Gaurav Gatha - Courtesy of Smt. Sushila Patel Gokhale, the exhibits includes the miniature collection of India's glorious history, traditions, battles of past, and customs and traditions. The mythology of different religions is also on display alongside the freedom movement of India and tales of Bangladesh’s Independence movement.
Surya Gallery - Since its installation in 1996, Surya gallery has been depicting the Sun in the context of various culture and traditions like Greek, Egypt, India, China etc. The gallery exhibits the origin of the Sun, Earth and Solar system. The galley at the National Children’s Museum narrates the science and history of the Universe and the solar system.
The temporary gallery at the museum changes from time to time. A major tourist attraction in Delhi, the National Children’s Museum in Delhi also has a small aquarium and Zoo inside the museum premise.
Major Highlights of the Museum
- Permanent Gallery - Hamara Bharat, Gaurav Gatha and Surya.
- Toys and Doll Collection
- Workshop for children
- Artists displaying their craftsmanship
- Small Aquarium and Zoo
Visiting Timings:
Tuesday - Saturday 9 am to 5:30 pm
Entry Fee:
No entry fee
1 Kotla Road, Near I.T.O. New Delhi, India
How to Reach
The nearest Metro Station is ITO (Violet Line). You can board the Violet line of Delhi Metro or interchange for Violet Line at Mandi House (Blue Line) or Kashmiri Gate (Red Line & Yellow Line) or Central Secretariat (Yellow Line).